Tree preservation programs can yield big rewards for a property owner. Healthy trees require healthy soils. Any changes in soil grade or degradation in soil structure can cause irreversible damage to tree health. Thriving mature trees enhance property values, improve air quality, moderate climate, provide wildlife habitat and add beauty to our landscape. Sickly, stressed trees reduce property values and are difficult to maintain, more subject to storm damage and expensive to remove. Young replacement trees take decades to reach maturity.
In order to protect existing trees, planning and prevention are essential. Construction damage to existing mature trees via soil compaction and mechanical damage is a significant problem in Hampton Roads. Streamline Tree Care can inventory your trees, recommend the best candidate trees to protect, prepare a tree preservation plan, erect Tree Protection Zone fencing and signage and educate contractors on tree-friendly construction practices.
After construction we can develop a schedule of tree maintenance activities including irrigation, mulching, fertilization, and pruning that will improve your trees’ ability to provide continued economic and ecological benefits to your home and our urban forest.