Structural pruning being performed
on a young willow oak
Formative pruning for young trees is the most cost-effective tree maintenance practice a Streamline Arborist can perform. Young tree pruning is often overlooked yet it is inexpensive and pays future dividends by eliminating common structural defects that lead to structural tree failure.
It is important to remember that our urban environment is an unnatural setting for trees that evolved in the eastern deciduous forest of North America. A typical urban tree is exposed to full sunlight and grows multiple codominant leaders that are prone to splitting as they grow larger. Young forest trees generally have a single dominant leader growing in a narrow column of light. To help our young urban trees grow similar to their forest cousins, our ISA Certified Arborists will train young trees by subordinating codominant leaders. Proper young tree pruning will also facilitate well-spaced, strongly attached scaffold branches and a well-tapered trunk. As the tree ages, it will develop a strong structure, be less susceptible to storm damage and maintain a natural open grown form that will add shade and beauty to your landscape.